“Dear Prime Minister…

Today marks the seventh anniversary since five people were murdered on Westminster Bridge, along with a police constable doing their duty at Parliament. It was the first of five terror attacks that year, that left hundreds injured, thousands affected and 36 people murdered, including my son Martyn.

The one thing they all had in common, is that they were going about their daily lives, with a realistic expectation that they should have been safe from terrorism.

As you know, inquests and inquiries have repeatedly highlighted the dreadful state of protective security arrangements in the UK. My campaign for a Protect Duty (what I call Martyn's Law), has reinforced that more could and must be done and it was a real breakthrough when the Conservative party backed the idea in 2019.

When we spoke in December 2022, I was delighted when you assured me that Martyn's Law would be introduced to parliament as quickly as possible. I welcome your backing then and now. You can be the Prime Minister to make our country safer.

However, nearly a year and a half after we spoke, and seven years since my son was murdered, we still await the introduction of this law.

The slow pace of progress risks the Bill failing to get through this parliament and I urge you to please commit to introducing the draft Bill in time of the next anniversary of Martyn's murder in two months' time.

These anniversaries are not just dates: They are a point in time that will forever haunt those families that have been hurt by terrorism.

More importantly, they are dates from which your government's commitment to protecting people can be measured.

Seven years is far too long to wait for such basic protections, and I call upon you to act immediately in bringing Martyn's Law forward to Parliament.

Yours Sincerely

Figen Murray”


As I said this morning on BBC Breakfast…


Guest Contribution from Nathan Emmerich